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 Created Nov 22, 2008
 Deleted Jul 24, 2019

Jack Burton

While plunging birthrates may be genetically damaging for European-derived peoples, their rreplacement by genetically alien immigrants is much worse. A falling birthrate reduces the populationn but does not transform it genetically, and a future increase in birthrates can always make up for the loss. Once immigrants have established themselves in a native territory their genes are a permanent addition. From the standpoint of genetic ethnic interests, the idea that “immigration makes up for low native birthrates” is pathological.

Dr. Salter has calculated the number of immigrants of any group necessary to reduce the genetic interests of a random member of a native group by one child-equivalent. For Europeans, an average of only 1.1 African, or 1.7 Northeast Asian immigrants is sufficient for the loss of one child-equivalent.

Dr. Salter notes that genetic damage done by post-1965 immigration to America “has decreased white genetic interests more than all American...