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 Created Dec 15, 2012
 Deleted Jun 24, 2021


TRUTH is unyielding. It's non-negotiable. To many, it is a comfort; while to others, it is intolerant and condemning. Some say that TRUTH is subjective, but it's like gravity, no matter how much we try to change or redefine its properties, we can't.

NewsWithViews.TV is dedicated to revealing lies, innuendo and agendas - wherever they may be. Our political affiliations are not to the left or the right, but to "what is right and true."

Our goal is to bring you the best news and commentaries on current events that may be manipulated or controlled by the mainstream media.

Our aim is to enlighten, educate and awaken people to the real issues facing this country and the world today.

Truth and honesty unite, lies and deception divide. Bear in mind that Truth is hate to those that hate the Truth.

The views and opinions held by our writers and contributors are their own, and not...