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 Created Jan 20, 2018

Say No To GENO

A spin doctor and propagandist using his spare time to edit videos out of context and putting them together in a new context to create a narrative. Everything seen on this channel should be taken with a huge grain of salt. What you see here is not always what happened, its what i wanted you to think happened. That is not to say that i don't do serious edits where i want to prove a point or get my view across but I am often biased in the things i cover and i do not hide this. Sometimes I try to be as objective and unbiased as possible, but what i do often plays with emotions and i have a picture in my head of what the finished video will be.
Just like a real news channel it is up to you to decide what to trust. Because just like them I have agendas and I use propaganda.
I answer honestly to questions in the comments.


PSA 2021

Say No To GENO

Published Jan 2, 2020



Say No To GENO

Published Aug 7, 2020