Hugh Montgomery pt1 The God Kings Babylon, Ulvungar & Oden - RedIceRadio


Red Ice TV


Published on May 27, 2009

Hugh Montgomery - The God-Kings: Babylon, Ulvungar & Oden
Red Ice Radio - February 12, 2009

Author Hugh Montgomery joins us to talk about his research and his triology of books:
"The God-kings of England", The God-kings of Europe" and "The God-Kings of Outremer".
We begin to discuss Hugh's family and their admission to "Riddar huset" in Sweden.
We talk about the Odynic dynasty and the Ulvungar Bloodline, the Babylonian roots of the line of European and Nordic kings and the conquest and migration of these dynasties to "Outremer"
and the rest of Europe.
We begin to discuss sources and difficulties with bloodline research.

Topics Discussed: Malachi Martin, Hugh Sinclair, Gospel of Philip, Judas, Thomas Jesus Twin,
Julius Africanus, Bible, Mandaeans, Johannite Order, John the Baptists, Petra, Nabataeans,
Kassites, Sumerian Kings List, Babylonian Kings, Oden, Visigoths and much more.

In our members area we talk about who got to be "the first God-King", we ask how it all began,
we go back to Sumer and talk about the migration north, we discuss the descendants of Jesus
(why is this important?), bloodlines, Royalty, Nobility, Aristocracy , Da Vinci Code, DNA projects, William F Mann, Genetic Properties, The dynasty of the black Madonna, Mary Magdalene
and much more.

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