9/11/01 Ground Zero




Published on Oct 23, 2012

Before WTC1 collapsed on 9/11.

From the Northwest corner of the World Trade Center Complex, the lower Manhattan intersection of Vesey and West, we see the destruction prior to the collapse of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. We see people milling around in what we would know later was an extremely dangerous area. There is no firefighting, there is no survivor rescue effort evident. Just on lookers, some actually looking at wtc1 that we are not permitted to see thanks to the hastily drawn smoke.

Fortunately, we can see the north pedestrian bridge which would be destroyed later with the destruction of the North Tower. The FEMA map included also shows that the heavy debris of wtc1 fell on the pedestrian crossover. 10/30/12 0700 - not so sure about the north pedestrian bridge and how much of it was destroyed by the demolitions. If someone knows if the north pedestrian bridge is OK in this video or not, please say so in the comments and provide an image or video that shows the differences.

That FEMA debris map also shows us that there were no exterior columns leaning up against wtc6, yet, here we see 2 panel sections leaning up against wtc6. Imagine the physics that would have been needed, even if the source had been wtc1!

Another time stamp is the group of men shielding their eye against the morning sun looking up at wtc1. Shadows are also pointing towards the west by northwest. WTC1 has not yet been destroyed.

Not shown in this video, but available elsewhere is additional proof that Vesey was still clear down to wtc7. WTC7 is still standing.

When you see the blown up cars and fire trucks, you really need to wonder why any people were still hanging/milling around that area. Apparently larry silverstein has not had his discussion to pull wtc7 with the fire commander yet.

911 was an inside crime. It continues.

The only thing real on 911 was TV fakery. Everything else we were shown on TV was false.
At the pentagon, it was faked firefighting.

Thanks and a tip of our hat to Joe Craine, YouTube martyr.

11 161 175 2001 7 9 9-11 9/11 911 93 aa aa11 aa77 abc air airline airlines alan american attack attacks bbc blast building bush C cbs cd center charges cheney chung church cintron clouds cnn commission connie controled controlled courchesne craine damage debris demolition dew disney edna engine evan express fairbanks fake fakes fakery fema financial fire fires firefighting foam fox fuselage gear george ghost ghwb giuliani ground gwb herbert hero heroes heros image inside interpretation jennings job joe judy ktla landing lawn lines martyr murder murray nbc nist no one parts pentagon peter plane planes plant psyop rector report rescue rescuer rescuers rotor rubble rules rummy rumsfeld shaped september september 11 seven shanksville smoke sylverstein tire today trade tube tv two ua ua175 ua93 united walker wallace weather west wfc woods world wtc wtc1 wtc2 wtc7 you youtube zero

ps, the comment on false flag events starting wars may have been jesse ventura and not alex jones. Not a big deal as they are both part of the problem.

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