NZ thought police make another visit on a young man to ask him if he's a member of New Conservatives


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Mar 16, 2020

Please share this video around the world to show what this govt of New Zealand is doing to their political opponents.

NZ armed thought police go to this young man's house at 9pm and check his gun licence, his guns, his documents. Then they interrogate him asking about The New Conservatives.
This is disgusting behaviour by the police asking whether he knows anyone or any members of the New Conservatives.
The police are being used by this govt as political brown shirts to intimidate, and now, it seems branding this legitimate political party as far right and extremist.
Is this what our taxes are being used for now?
If you're watching this video outside NZ please send on and share it to inform the world what's really happening here under this PM.
She is using the state to go after her political opponents and their supporters.
This is unprecedented in New Zealand.

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