The latest "cosmopolitan transnational elite" strategy to make your kids gay


Adolf Dripler


Published on Oct 24, 2019

No one else is doing it, and I found it fascinating/thunderstriking, so I did a 40 minute podcast type thing where I summarize the recent astroturfing of the pro-pedophilia netflix cartoon "big mouth", who's behind it, and why it is being pushed as a very progressive and hilarious show that your kids need to watch instead of jordan peterson. I sound gay and lispy in this one because I'm sick and my throat is full of mucus, and the lisp is from me accidentally biting on my tongue really hard the other day. Now I can't move my tongue when I talk. I will sound like my normal chad deep voice self if I ever do another one

Links to the articles used and the trailer (prepare to be thunderstruck):

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