BREAKING:NBC to FIRE Megyn Kelly- NBC Fires Matt Lauer as with FOX - the misogynists bite the dust!


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Oct 24, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: When she was on top (prior to the Presidential GOP primary debates) we told you back in the Spring of 2016 that Megyn would be fired from FOX Become an InspoNews partner @ PATREON:
SUPPORT InspoNews & DONATE - CLICK ON THIS LINK: (Square) .Oh well - just in. As we said, the network wasn't big enough for Lauer & Megyn & that NBC felt that Matt didn't have a big enough female audience to begin with. Add these horrible sexual abuse admissions and " poof" Matt is gone. We didn't like him anyway. But we still don't like Megyn and surmise that she is using this to forward her own self centered agenda using abused women at work as her new battle cry- she- a huge seductress to begin with. We know Megyn conspired behind the scenes against her piggish counterparts - Matt is gone. No tears here for that lefty. But as with Kelly? She has no moral high ground here. The plot thickens.
We told you about Hillary & the fake dossier and Uranium One deal last December 2016 - that it was paid for by DNC which Never Trumper Tucker Carlson & true conservative Sean Hannity are finally just NOW saying they are "BREAKING" these stories just this week! Lol. Its a PC Fox & others are only a year behind InspoNews. I guess that's why their staffers subscribe. Gee wizz, here we are competing with billion dollar company and research staff and we are grateful; to break real news first on just about every major story this year! LATE. check out our past stories and post dates. We are way ahead of the MSM & Fox media curve with NO EDITORIAL parameters or restrictions. Wake up America. Your people's press is alive and well but we need your help!
Here we go again! Stay tuned. Our sources are at work again (under threat) bringing you more news that is months ahead of MSM - they have been following our lead as well as Wikileaks. Our friend Julian Assange is soon to break 9,000 new docs & 22,000 IP addresses that will prove DNC Russian Collusion & illegal spying on Americans by Obama, Brennan, HRC etc. etc. Now comes InspoNews with breaking news regarding Megyn's NBC morning show, Megyn Kelly Today has ratings as low as Death Valley - her ratings have been plummeting since her debut just weeks ago, dragging down all programming. MK's ratings aren't even close to those of her predecessors, Tamron Hall & Alex Roker.Again, you are hearing this first on InspoNews- as with Uranium One etc. She is dropping like a rock because InspoNews has learned that the same ego and steely cold conniving manipulations that she employed while working at Fox have been employed by her at NBC as well. Her ambition knows no bounds. Matt Lauer will have none of it and she's gradually losing her support upstairs at NBC executive offices. SHE WILL BE FIRED SOON - (or she decided to retire) But weep not for Megyn as she laughs all the way to the bank with a cool 69 million earning only 2 million less a year than NBC heavy weight Matt Lauer. I for one am glad she's going. She promised not to politicize her supposedly warm & friendly morning talk show - but can't resist her subtle swipes at President Trump - recently siding with the BLM- ANTIFA motivated recalcitrant NFL flag & Anthem protests against Presidents Trump's reasonable & patriotic call for players and NFL owners to respect our flag and our country. Megyn Kelly continues to fail beciase Kelly CANNOT CONNECT on a warm and sincere level with everyday folks- especially people who rise in the morning looking for a real and genuine friendly soul to help encourage and prepare them for the day. Megyn has those ambitious and vain steely eyes - windows to a self absorbed soul whose overweening ambition and deception betrays her lack of authenticity of heart. As for President Trump? She is one less enemy whose plots he will not have to deal with come next election!
Federico Cardella InspoNews
Thank you for your continued support for these reports. News before the news that tells you like it is. (fc) 10-20-17

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