A Study of The State: Fascism and National Socialism - NewRuins09


New Machine


Published on Nov 28, 2019

A very good video on how Fascism and National Socialism view the state, and the differences in how they operate to achieve their desired goals.

Link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7ezCnK5oeM

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Video Description

"In comparison of the state within fascism and national socialism to that of the state within liberalism, the bourgeois, elitist liberal ideology of our time.

Fascism and national socialism offer up radical alternatives to the status quo, by having members of their traditionalist societies enter into collectives which grant them a higher purpose in life, transcending their earthy experience, and raising them up to the honorary duty of communitarian cooperation amongst their national folk.


Readings on Fascism and National Socialism (for fascist sources)

Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler)