David Silverman - Atheist Gangster




Published on Mar 14, 2015

Two things, first, this video is blocked in America and Canada, you must watch on liveleak, which is here. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0fd_1426340451

Second, my new channel is Atheism-is-Unstoppable-4 and all new content will be going there... here is the link.

Here's the video on the new channel:

The time has come to pay my respects to a man who is ass deep in the trenches of stupidity, fighting against the disease

we know of as religion. David Silverman is a fearless, brash, well spoken, atheist super hero who is leading the charge

and smacking the deluded sheep over the head with reason and sanity in a style that can only be described as

Hitchenesque. He happily wades through demented arguments and moronic cult propaganda as if he is machete-ing his

way through a rain forest. He delivers devastating arguments with precision and grace and inflicts blunt force trauma every

time he does it.

I personally admire the man, and want to thank him. David, thank you. I see you. We see you. And we appreciate you. Your

efforts are sorely needed in our quest for global sanity.

Our David continues to take on the Goliath of religion. Let's all hope he ends up dropping him and beheading him like in

the 'real story'. Mazel Tov to KING DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jewish God King Of The Atheists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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