Jim Condit Jr. The Zionist Take Over of the Catholic Church


gwenda pruden


Published on Jul 12, 2017

Jim Condit Jr with Eric Hufschmid in September 2006, on how the Rothschilds took over the Roman Catholic Church between 1958 and 1965, after they already .

Part from Eric Hufschmid's interview with Jim Condit Jr. in September 2006. 48 minutes here: On how the .

The special guest on the January 18 edition of Michael Collins Piper's nightly forum on the Republic Broadcasting Network at rbnlive.com was veteran political .

Jim Condit Jr. with Michael Collins Piper, January 18, 2007. On Morris Seligman Dees, The Southern Poverty Law Center, Judeo-Masonic take over of the .