HyperNorMal lizard 🦎 mo’ Ducken NaTi9n pt. 2 “voodoo eConomics”💳👻🏴‍☠️


jaleel appleseed


Published on Jun 19, 2020

First one is blocked I know for sure ,.

Cuz of the avengers song // if ya been around the block round these here’s’ intraWeb gulags,. Ya know this song from the “fRench connection” fools ,.


I kind think 💭 originally they copyright © that song just to get rid of all their mirrored videos and shows ,. That were floating around ,. On random long lost forgotten about channels of ancient lore (those are usually my favorites) any one remember omega dj?,. He is gone,. Most everyone is gone,. Yung hamza ibn dRagon slayer has some good old skool jams’ for y’all who are more recent to the counter zemitic scene., a lot of the good stuff is memory holed,. We are just left withbfuktArd daWson as an expert on everything,.😕😏


Here is my bitxhute play list & channel again ,if you in anyway like my shit rip/burn 🔥🌪⚡️it (I might ask you for it in the future) and sub to my wacky riGhtwiNg Qanon tRust the deRp plan kosher nasi channel., this series is up to 42. K./10 ,. Different parts after 42 it vindiloops 🤾🏽‍♀️🦈
I have 1-20 up,. I am actually really super impressed with this series it does conflict with my life’s dReam of becoming a youtUbe stAr ⭐️ Cuz I 🇮🇱🏴‍☠️israel’d so much music 4 this doco-musical HyperNormalisationized jumbolyah 🍤🥘🦑(Bob smith I bet you find a lot of songs in this you’ll liKe) but I added all the paRts about aPartheid iSrael,. Red Maifya,. Mossad, zzz 😴 sayanim,. Lekem/ lakam (check the flim levels, in back of ya squawk box 📦🐔,. Unit 8200 ., Unit 9900,. Talpiot., and wHatevAh the kewl kids., call the kGb these dayz.,👻🤔🤷🏼‍♂️ ya Sir Adam Curtis umm ah err um 😶 let’s just say the parts he forgot,. To add in his brilliant original
#hypernormalisation (full link🦾😀)

I draw from a vast ,. Sea of open sources., I believe I started this., in/on about day uno of the great covid19 warz,. I thought it was important,. Because of the flood of disinformation i saw on everything/ every platform ,. Has rEally turned overDrive, активные мероприятия on vol.11
People are numb,. The simple obvious truth is overlooked by all the sensationalized fluff 🧺and weaponized narratives that tug on eMotions 👨🏽‍🎤and pRimal feAr ., always pushing you on into toward a team ,a side ,a group., nothing gets done., you don’t wanna talk about elite sexual entRapment riNgs, Cuz of muh pizza 🍕 pizzagate., dOnT want ta talk about 5g Cuz of all/. Yeti lizard soup🍜🦎🦧 🧬 genetic lung material 🦐🕸👾
Can’t talk about race in any constructive fashion without pop’n off a civil wAr 2.0 the humans all pretty much want the same damn thing world wide ,. Dignity,. The right to make a living., housing clothing foods sleep 😴 families,. We owe it to ourselves to do better., with freedom comes responsibilities we live in constant child like fear & dependency upon a corrupt and evil system, we have a choice of course,. We are most definitely at a fork in the human condition we could today if we only wished to live in an upright respectable manner like all the legal documents and constitutions & religious texts reminded us over and over of our rights god gave us.,, or we can live out the corruption written into those documents by meanie beanie moRty lawyers ,which will indeed culminate into a dystopian westWorld digital world wide social credit communitarianism nightmare mindkind may never awaken till pResident earth 🌍 killing asteroid ☄️ 🦖🦕
Wins ,if there is indeed a merciful god ,🥺🙏a not too distant future after the cyborg skyNet year zEro

Oh yeah Muh playlist


And also if you enjoy 😉 my stolen 🇮🇱🏴‍☠️🦆content daaar

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#NewYorkTelAvivMoscowTriangle 🕴🍩💳🇮🇱🇷🇺


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I hope you enjoy 😉 I will try to upload a video every day
StayWoke 🥚🍗🐓🍳