Tommy has been taken down. He never had a chance against such a corrupted and bias system.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Jul 12, 2019

Tommy Robinson has been sent to prison again. This time for 9 months, but with time taken off he'll do just over two months inside.
But what was Tommy's crime? Much the same as the MSM journalists did to him on his way into court on Thursday!
But this is Tommy Robinson and the rules are different for Tommy because he's exposed the rot in the British establishment and the utterly corrupted MSM especially the BBC.
Tommy tried to get asylum in the USA but that was a huge ask at such short notice plus the diplomatic tensions it could have created.
One thing's for sure now, Tommy in my opinion, has to get out of the UK.
When he gets back out he should try get to the USA via political asylum as there's no doubt he is in serious danger from not only jihadists or some random left wing lunatic in the UK, but the British govt themselves.
If he achieves that he can fight for freedom in the UK from a real free country with freedom of speech protected under the constitution, the USA.
The judicial system in the UK has been corrupted and politicised by the establishment to shut down them who dare question what is happening to that once great nation, that's now only a shadow of its former self.
The MSM, politicians, academics and Marxists are celebrating Tommy going back to jail. The cream on top would be Tommy being killed by jihadists while there.
These people are traitors, and hopefully one day they will face their day in a real and just court for treason.

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