IMPEACH-OBAMA Banner - Superbowl 2012


Patriot Fire


Published on Feb 7, 2012

Tea Party protests have taken to the air, lately. Most of our members work for a living and don't have time to hang out on street corners waving protest signs or camp out illegally for weeks in public parks. However, they do have extra dollars to contribute to the cause. These are just a few amateur images of a 3-hour flight around the tailgate party before the Superbowl and around downtown Indianapolis.
Due to post-911 flight restrictions, it's not possible to fly over the stadiums any longer, even when the retractable roof may be open.

About 40 average Americans paid the cost of this flight. Such flights are actually quite cost-effective. I know we have probably spent more collectively on parking fees at some of our Tea Parties and these banners are much more visible, especially if you factor in the Internet hits. If you want to irritate a messiah worshiper, just forward this clip to all your friends. To contribute to the next event, click through to YouTube and you'll find a link in the description.

This sky-protest was sponsored by the following FaceBook groups:

Impeach Obama Tea Party

Stop Obama Now!! - San Diego

Boycott Oprah

The sky-ad was produced by:

National Sky-Ads

To learn how to contribute to the next event, go to this link:

World Net Daily article about the flyover:

Impeach Obama Now Coalition

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