What Really Happened At The Vancouver Slut Walk


Lauren Southern


Published on Jun 12, 2015

I apologize if I seem a bit emotional. I filmed this after receiving some messages from friends of mine asking if I had committed some of the things I had been accused of by the Slut Walk. I probably should've waited to record, but it's fairly late now.

I also am very strongly against people being slandered and falsely accused as I have shown in other videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQgB1CvH8n4

The Petition against me: https://www.change.org/p/libertarian-party-of-canada-remove-lauren-southern-as-a-candidate-of-their-party

Counter Petition :): https://www.change.org/p/vancouver-slutwalk-organizers-end-the-vancouver-slutwalk

One last thing. Even the women/men who slandered and lied about me are people. I am hurt and disappointing by their lying, however I would never want to see their lives ruined, so I strongly encourage everyone not to dox or harass them etc. I haven't seen any of that happening so far, so thank you for being such wonderful people :)