What Will Happen When Jews Rule The World?


The River Mersey


Published on Jul 29, 2016

What Will Happen When Jews Rule The World ? Amazing Facts

First of all, when you see the coining of money in the hands of the Jews—as we see in the case of the Jewish-owned Federal Reserve Bank that has risen to control the money of the world’s leading superpower, America—then you’ll know that Jews rule the world.

Or?…when you see Jewish-crafted legislation that usurps the US Constitution—as evidenced by the NDAA, sponsored by Jewish Senator Carl Levin, which authorizes the US military to arrest American citizens without trial; and its recent Amendment, sponsored by Jewish Senator Dianne Feinstein, which gives the military the implicit right to intrude upon civil law enforcement, which is forbidden by the Constitution…and at best gives the Amendment’s victim a Military Tribunal Trial held at a Gitmo-styled torture camp—then you’ll know that Jews rule the world.
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