America's Cuban Crisis. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.


Stefan Molyneux


Published on Jan 18, 2018

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Question: “I'm trying to create awareness about something I've been witnessing take place lately and I was hoping I could perhaps speak to you about these issues concerning my university, my community and the perception of Cuban Americans, such as my family. Essentially fellow students, as well as other Miamians, have started widely referring to the Cubans of my Grandfather's generation, those who fled the Castro regime, and their children as 'gusanos' (Gusano meaning worm in English). They have also referred to their experience as 'immigrant light' because their immigration to this country was legal and that they weren't on the receiving end of 'racism.' The reason this is so appalling to me is that the term 'gusano' is actually the communist propaganda of the Castro Regime meant to create a divide among Cubans and discredit those who left. I have had my family attacked on social media for being educated, hard-working immigrants and told that they were most likely Batista sympathizers or worse. The authenticity of Cubans, especially ones who originally fled the Castro regime, as latinos and as immigrants is being questioned more and more which I believe to be mainly because they are widely Conservative. I am proud of my family and their achievements, accomplished despite their many obstacles, so I refuse to have their good name tarnished by today's community that is hell bent against those who are conservative. However, I worry that if I were to go on the offensive on this issue I could lose the scholarships I've worked so hard to earn if my University found out. What can I do to fight this intelligently and without bringing myself down to the whining, complaining nature of the left?”

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