I ❤️ Pinky and Agent Roses' BRAIN!


Agent Margaritaville


Published on Jun 25, 2020


TRUTH comes in many ways.
Sometimes it comes from fate.
Sometimes it comes through hours of endless deep listening.
Sometimes it comes from cherishing those you love
Sometimes it comes from anonymous sources

... and Sometimes it comes from people who have climbed to the top of the pillar of understanding and slowly slid down to our level, to share their TRUTH in the most prophetic of manners.

This is a love.

Agent Rose sent Tokyowashi this poem in November 2016, in which she told us of the hibernation of artists, and turmoil in policing as the patriot forces of the world, seek out BAD HOMBRES and policing around the world begins a massive cleanup of all DIRTYCOPS, and #cottonballed losers who have turned their backs on corruption, and child trafficking.


Nov 13, 2016 - Angel of the North - No Prose Rose

Agent Rose, refrains from prose,
Rhyming is her style.
The world awaits discovery,
A STARS go in exile.

Madonna's giving no-jobs,
Jay Z has gone Beyonce.
GAGA screams Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil!
Members of Clinton's Ponzi.

The jig is up most everywhere,
If you don't already know.
But there's another truth out there,
That Patriots know.

I spoke with Lagenomai once,
About the cost of gum.
He promised he would show me,
The world has just begun.

We'd have Star Trek utopia,
Devoid of Dirtycops.
No longer walking honour's beat,
The madness had to stop.

DG forshadowed for you all,
In his tomb about THE MAN.
There was one opponent,
Against which evil could not stand.

Too many silly gum balls,
"He said just grab the fucking machine!
All the gum's in there!"

So we raise a Margarita,
To the hero's of the day.
Who by now appreciate,
The game has gone GODs way.

Algorithms scouring drives,
That backup the INTERNET.
Will cleanse the world of enough evil,
On that you sure can bet!

Every email you ever wrote,
Those texts you long forgot.
No longer private secrets,
Those days are gone, WHY NOT?

Good men and women in law enforcement,
Will clean up their own ranks.
Then go get the rest of them,
And toss them in the TANKS.

For every revolution,
The SALE of truth goes round,
Captain's and Cowboys wanted for HIM,
From the end of the world, to your town!

Music: "Haunted by You" and "Clients With Me Blinded She" by the extraordinary Sherwood, Michael (1959 - 2019).

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