Nazis and Zealots for the Status Quo


The Alternative Hypothesis


Published on Nov 29, 2012

Hitler opposed IQ tests, calling them "Jewish". Stalin opposed IQ tests, calling them "bourgeois". And racial egalitarians oppose IQ tests, calling them "racist".

They have no problem using IQ tests to show that republican states have lower IQs (republican states also have larger non-white populations), but as soon as they show racial differences, IQ tests are "racist pseudoscience".

The Nazi Party became the status quo. Most of it's fanatical support came AFTER the nazi party established itself as the status quo.

Nazi economic ideology was bogus statist horseshit, the "economic miracle" was smoke and mirrors, and explicitly anti-libertarian.

Nazi racial ideology drew absurd distinctions between virtually biologically identical european ethnic groups, and was at squarely at odds with the Neo-Darwinian scientific racialism of the day, and at odds with the racial views of Winston Churchill - who held descriptive views on race similar to my own, and actively campaigned to "Keep Britain White". Winston Churchill was a piece of shit in other ways, however.

The types of people who became zealous nazis were inherently conformist people. There simply aren't enough non-conformists to account for the sheer volume of Nazi fanatics.

Variance in personality is, in my estimation, mostly a result of variance in genetics. Twin studies support this theory, whatever their flaws.

So if I were around back then, I most likely would have been attracted to the neo-darwinian views on race, and free market economic views having seen the great economic success of the United States and Great Britain relative to the rest of the world under their relatively free market regimes. I would have been a fringe element, like I am now.

More conformist personalities with more authoritarian views on knowledge would, most likely, like they do now, have bought into Hitlerism, and thought him more "rational" given that he was probably an atheist like they do with Obama.

I believe this is a much more plausible story. I'm saying that if our biologies were transported to the environment of the 1930s in Germany, the roles would have been, more or less, the same as they are now. For those who say the roles would be reversed, I believe that is the more exotic position.