They just stole the election right in front of our eyes


Redpill Media


Published on Nov 4, 2020

They just stole the U.S. election right in front of us. And they’re getting away with it.

The U.S. election had Donald J. Trump with a massive lead as voters decided to call it a night and stop counting. As Americans laid their weary heads to sleep, they shuffled in millions of votes during the night and changed the tide of the election.

Full Redpill Media video transcript:
They just stole the election right in front of our eyes
They just stole the election right in front of our eyes
They just stole the election right in front of our eyes
Last night, millions of Americans went to bed because vote counters decided to
STOP counting votes
Something that has NEVER been done before
At least not in modern american history
All while Donald Trump had a massive lead in key states
Including wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania
As we laid our heads to go to sleep last night,
Eager to wake up to an obvious trump victory
Their was a thought swirling around in the head of millions of Americans
A truly sad thought, but a realistic one
One we didn’t want to see happen
One we didn’t believe could actually happen
One we truly thought the left would never have the audacity to do
But alas,
They just stole the election right in front of us
The actions of the left and the media
As well as the vote counters responsible for this mockery of justice
Will face consequences of which you have never seen before
These consequences will be far reaching, but they will not be swift
This is the worst case scenario,
Not for republicans
Not for democrats
But for americans.
This is the worst case scenario for the future prosperity of the country
This is the worst case scenario for any hope this country had left
The left just put all their cards on the table,
After everything they did in the past four years
To false prosectuions and false impeachments
To unconstitutional lockdowns to frame the President
This was their final play
And they played it without an ounce of shame
They played it, and it’s working for them
They just stole the election right in front of our eyes
They brought in votes in the night
Like scoundrels hidden in the darkness
Under the nose of sleeping americans
Hoping we wouldnt notice
This is no longer america
This is no longer a democracy

They are blocking our President from speaking on twitter
And when he finally is allowed to speak
His tweets are censored, labeled false, to encourage people to stay in their place
They are stealing this election
And they will tell you its all okay
That this is just how it works
The late ballot counting is a normal procfess
Its totally normal for someone leading a state by over 800,000 votes to magically lose it over night
As vote counters just decided to go to bed for the night
Americans have taken a lot from the left over the past four years
They have taken a lot
And they have turned the cheek and taken it
They listened to their lock down hours
They sat around while trump was wrongfully impeached and persecuted
They sat around and let the left bully them and mock them and call them deplorables
But they wont sit around any more

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