Three Charged With Fake Hate Crime - Zappy Pizza Incident (San Diego)


Patriot Fire


Published on Mar 7, 2017

In San Diego, Terry Crow, Scott Peretti and Sean Arevalo have been charged with a felony hate crime against a Somali, Mustafa Sahid. They face at least 3-4 years in prison, if convicted. It’s scary what can happen to people, who offend Muslims, without any intent to break the law.

These are working Americans on a budget and have thirteen children between the three of them. If they go to prison, their families are at risk of becoming homeless. They need help hiring aggressive attorneys to defend them.

Please help spread the word and contribute, if you can. We want to at least help pay the down payments for them to get private attorneys. All funds collected will go towards their legal expenses.
See the sensationalized and inaccurate news reports at the link below.

Link for contributions:
San Diego Deplorable Defense Fund – Zappy Pizza Case

See summary of contributions from all sources and the payouts that have been made here.

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