1933 Nazi methods of MSM. Tommy Robinson expose Sky News lies and propaganda




Published on Sep 29, 2018

From 1933, the nazi lobbied the press, suppressed opposite opinions, created myths such as the Aryan race and targeted minorities such as the Jews and Gipsies.
Today, globalists use the same methods, not only has the antisemitism increased in Europe, but we see political trials of journalists (Zemmour, Robinson), we've also imposed the myth of multiculturalism which not only divides nations but also destroy their cultures.
Not difficult to see why, as any good Marxist knows, "A people without a heritage are easily persuaded", otherwise said, without a culture, a nation (people) is weak, controllable, divided.
Their allies are the same, emules of Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem and ultra-nationalist Arab, who visited Mussolini and Hitler in 1942 in order to increase the rate of extermination of the Jews.
The political branch of islamofascism we inherited in Europe is directly descendant from those who fought against Britain in Mandated palestine.
History has a funny way to repeat itself, coming from a family of resistants, I have the culture to remember and see through the fog of propaganda and lies laid by the parties who pretend to be humanist today.
Antifa are neo-fascists tools working for the globalists, anti-racist organisation are tools working for the antisemites of all side, repeating Hitler's jabs on Zionism like parrots.
Political exchangism exists, we witnessed it.

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