CDC Vaccine Chair: "Get Rid Of The Whites" Scandal. Professor Carol Baker Calls For Racial Genocide


Tim Truth


Published on May 16, 2020

CDC eugenics exposé. It's a rabbit hole that starts with a newly surfaced, 10+ year old video of the head chair of CDC's vaccine policy openly pitching racial genocide of hundreds of millions as her "solution" to increasing compliance with medical tyranny. As you keep looking into her awards, positions, co-authors on papers, etc. the rabbit hole reveals an inter-connectivity of government, academia & medicine... and there are some skeletons in their closets' for sure. The military academia pharmaceutical complex wreaks of genocide and mass murder

National File Article:

Leaked Video:

Song: The Genocide Way by Payday Monsanto:

UPDATE: I see that: Carol J. Baker, M.D.'68, Won Baylor College Of Medicine's: Lifetime Achievement Award In 2018 (9 years after her heinous remarks) For exclusive content, censored videos and to help me make this channel even better:
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