Die Idee ist unbesiegt (The Idea is Undefeated)


Südhimmel Hearth


Published on Dec 19, 2016

Steel thunderstorm - The idea is undefeated

Germania - your beacon,
a storm signal!
Brunhild reputation - Wotan's impact,
the day is coming!
Your sons Teuts - on lone guard,
aspire towards the light from the darkest night.
Odalsgeschlecht - one last time,
you alone - you alone deserve the Grail!

Our fathers died by the millions,
and what you call freedom today
you wanted in the thunder of cannon,
you do not even given to the death of you!
"No plead and not complain"
it echoed through distress and pain:
"Enjoy the war these days,
their peace of will be terrible!"

For her blood is dawn
and not for nothing was this death.
They knew to the last shot,
that one has to fight for freedom!

Always forward Teutons,
here blow just your banners.
Always forward, on and on,
forward their German champion!

We feel it every day,
they perform their war,
because the idea is undefeated!
A thought that never died,
they perform their war,
because the idea is undefeated.

They thought that the German oak dies,
when they crashed.
But a thousand times it expresses the new seed
in German soil when they fall.

Omnipresent are the lies,
because your freedom is only an illusion
to love and enslaved people,
can be very dangerous today.
You have nothing to say,
only that counts an order
which we have created ourselves,
none of us has chosen you!

Your hatred for Germany is a commandment.
We want his life - her death.
The signs of unleashing
is our gospel.

Always forward their Germanic,
because here only blow your flags.
They go beyond their war,
because the idea is undefeated.

Brunhild reputation and Wotan blow
their sons Teuts - the day is coming!

Your Umerzogenen and figs,
the war was never over.
Just because today 'silence the guns,
you are indeed everything - but not free.
Blind rage links the minions,
we are still a minority,
but today 'to be followed by you -
the highest honor this time!

Each of us - one too,
not provided in your game,
but every repressive shock,
fires in spite stahlhart in us.

They go beyond their war,
the idea is undefeated.
Against us they go to war,
the idea is undefeated!