Islam in Australia : Peace and Disrespect for the Law




Published on Jun 16, 2011

Government of the People by the People for the People is not Government by God for God and of God.
Democracy creates Man Made Law. Only God's Law shall be respected and Followed. Participation in a Democracy (by voting) leads one away from God's Law is Haram (forbidden) and Shirk (committing polytheism) - It is Shirk because you are considered following two sets of rules , one being Islam and the other being State Law, where the two are not the same (in a secular state). Thus, there will be conflict between the two, tempting the participant in democracy to compromise parts of Sharia (God's Law) to conform to State Law [which may require not punishing apostates, fair trials for women (women's testimony equal to that of man), protection from domestic violence for women, allowing ex-Muslims to practice and even preach the religion of their choosing, gender apartheid prohibitions, freedom to exercise clothing choices , protection for children from being entered into "marriage",women having the right to walk around without a cloak without her husbands consent, prohibition of the cruel and unusual punishment of cutting off hands for theft].

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