The Nation is Being Led by Ungodly Presidents, Governors, Mayors, Judges Defying the Constitution


The Sons of Liberty


Published on May 6, 2020

“Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges, mayors and governors, who are given to change, defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas.”-Preacher David WilkersonIs there a point where you can get to so you can now act as if you are above the law? Education does that?What is it, one goes to law school for 7 years and then becomes the very law unto himself that he is to now uphold? This apparently is the mindset of this reprobate Californian Judge named William H. Orrick 3rd (Isaiah 14:14). ncregister recently reported “Pre-Trial Victories Come for David Daleiden as He Faces Criminal Prosecution”David Daleiden is potentially facing more than a decade in prison as the state of California proceeds with prosecuting him for more than 15 felonies related to his undercover filming of abortion-industry workers.Undercover pro-life activist David Daleiden faces criminal prosecution in California this September for making undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's sale of fetal body parts. Recent pre-trial developments have ruled in the 30-year-old Catholic’s favor.On Monday U.S. district Judge William Orrick said that Daleiden and fellow activist Sandra Merritt can defend their actions as journalism, reported The Washington Times.

Who is Bradlee Dean?

Bradlee Dean is the founder and executive director of the non-profit ministry, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International and The Sons of Liberty, which has reached over 500,000 youth in schools across the country.

He hosts the number #1 Genesis Communication Network radio show on a national syndication, The Sons of Liberty, hard-hitting radio program which attacks the hot issues of today, combats the lies in the media, and re-establishes the Christian foundation of our country. Listen to Bradlee Dean's radio broadcast, The Sons of Liberty, Monday - Friday 2-3 pm or Saturdays from 2-4 pm CST

As a syndicated columnist for over 40 outlets including WorldNetDaily, Western Journalism, and the Liberty Alliance group, he also has his own media resource and is author of the autobiographical graphic novel "My War."

Bradlee created a television mini-series documentary titled, 'My War" which has aired on national television, which he authored, produced, directed, and narrated.

Bradlee has been featured on outlets such as FOX News, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Weekly Standard, CNN etc...

Even after all of this, Bradlee's most rewarding title and position is serving as husband and "Daddy" to five awesome boys. If you would like to support his ministry please go to

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