Newsbreak 87 | 8/21/2020 |Winifred Adams Reveals Kamala Harris Well-Versed in Quantum-Grammar + More


Ramola D Reports


Published on Aug 21, 2020

Major revelations on this Newsbreak as Winifred Adams shares what she has learned this week from :Russell-Jay: Gould, that Vice Presidential Democrat Candidate from the Fiction-World (of the obsolete US Corporation) was a tutee of :David-Wynn: Miller and has studied Parse-Syntax Quantum-Grammar, which means she knows about :Russell and what he and :David accomplished, yet is continuing to run for Fiction-Office. Kamala Harris also apparently has a Rothschild connection.

We discuss the significance of what :Russell did with capturing the flag, becoming Postmaster-General-of-the-world and Commander-in-Chief, sovereign successor to Queen Elizabeth in doing so, the price he paid, and what his quantum-grammar represents, as well live-life-claims and the route to sovereignty and freedom from the pressing totalitarianism which the Rothschild and Fiction-world offers.

Winifred also discusses the importance of stepping into your power and saving humanity from DNA-altering vaccines -- especially when the Golden Age, she says, is just behind a door; we just need to take back our power to energetically shift the world into this new imminent Utopia, with our intention and our actions.

On which subject, "bringing :Russell forward" can be accomplished with the :5G Media-Command Letter, which anyone can sign--it is a letter to the FCC written in quantum-grammar and commanding an end to 5G, chemtrails, MSM false-narratives on all these, authorized by :Russell-Jay: Gould, and which can be found on the website.


Winifred Adams' Channel at Youtube, Making Life Brighter:

Making Life Brighter websites:

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