Idaho State Legislator invites Christians to meeting and then calls the police.


Scott Herndon


Published on Jan 28, 2021

First, we only started recording AFTER police were summoned and arrived - for our own protection. On January 26, 2021, Idaho state representative Brent Crane held a meeting with a husband, wife and their 10 year old daughter that he had scheduled 3 weeks prior. The goal of the meeting was to discuss proposed legislation to abolish all legal murder by abortion in the state with a bill written by the husband.

Representative Crane is the chair of the relevant committee and is therefore in the position to grant or deny an initial hearing for the bill, and yet he had one known objection to the bill. After initially talking about his objection, he was asked why he held that objection by the wife, upon which he proceeded to command his secretary to "call security". 3 Idaho State police officers soon showed up and stood outside the office, but at no time did he ever ask the family to leave. Instead, he spent the next 25 minutes haranguing the family for their opposition to a pro-life bill he cared very greatly about.

After declaring the husband and wife as evil, arrogant, prideful and poor conversationalists, he then told security to escort them out. This is the video of the conversation starting just as ISP officers showed up to the office.

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