Hispanic Trump Voter Called "Race Traitor" by Nasty Women


James Allsup


Published on Nov 10, 2016

At the November 9 pro-Trump demonstration put on by WSU College Republicans, a Hispanic Trump voter was told that because of his vote he is a "race traitor" who does not "love [his] family."

This kind of rhetoric is used by the left all too often to bully and put down racial minorities, women, and LGBT people, among others, who think and vote in the ways they aren't "supposed to."

Regardless of race or sexuality or gender, people should be allowed to make their own decisions, and not be bullied by people like the Hispanic racists in this video.

This kind of action, as demonstrated by the racist anti-Trump bullies, is what leads many black, LGBT, and Hispanic people- especially young people- to hide or lie about what they actually believe, for fear of social repercussions.

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