The Unauthorized History of The American Century - Part Eight


Expose The Enemy


Published on Jan 11, 2022

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The Unauthorized History of The American Century Playlist -

The documentary series delves into historical events that shaped the American Century and therefore the modern world. The evolving development of the elite's mechanisms to establish and maintain power for their own means are uncovered, providing a clear perspective of history and new context for major historic events.

This part continues expounding upon the networks previously revealed in part six. In particular the Hunt family's connections are explored further and their impact on the political atmosphere in Dallas evolving into a 'climate of hate'. The people behind the infamous Dallas Morning News front page ad and Wanted For Treason leaflets are uncovered. The Walker Shooting is also scrutinized as a possible Operation Northwoods inspired event. Some very interesting connections are made including in a interview with Robert Surrey's son.


Texas Monthy 1981 Behind The Lines by Gregory Curtis

H L. Hunt:Magnate with Mission; One of Richest Men in Nation, Oilman Aids Right Wing

John Birch Society -

Robert E. Wood

Dave Emory and Nip Tuck audio on The Strange Case of Robert Surrey -

'The Black-Bordered Ad in the Dallas Morning News of 22 November 1963 was orchestrated by the John Birch Society in Dallas. Edwin Walker's people were behind this, including Larrie Schmidt, Robbie Schmidt, Robert Allen Surrey and a host of JBS members. The content of the Black-Bordered Ad was substantially taken from JBS magazines.

The WANTED FOR TREASON: JFK handbill of 22 November 1963 was modeled after KKK posters of Earl Warren after his Brown Decision to racially integrate US Public Schools. Robert Allen Surrey and Robbie Schmidt were directly involved in it. The content of the WANTED FOR TREASON: JFK handbill was substantially taken from JBS magazines.'

Lyman Lemnitzer

David Talbot argues in his book, Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, that Walker's indoctrination program had been endorsed by General Lemnitzer. Talbot quotes a letter from Lemnitzer to Walker saying that he found his efforts "interesting and useful."

Larrie Schmidt

Bernard Weissman

The Walker Allegations -

Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker?

The Strange Surrey Story - The David Surrey interview

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