We are being censored but the censored ship is not quite ready to capsize


The Upstream


Published on Jan 19, 2021

The first amendment is clear. Freedoms, regardless of what they are, are not granted by governments, they are allowed by God. And the amendments of the Constitution are being stepped on along with
our freedoms. These people have now taken the place of God and country and have become the ultimate judge and juror as to what we say and what we think.
Well, the censored ship hasn’t sunk yet, and the only way it will sink, is if those Americans rooting for this communist takeover don’t
wake up. Think about how crazy this is, they are letting the Great American ship sink, simply because they hate Trump, and the media has taught them to hate you and me because of what we believe in.
It’s not a movie plot folks, it’s not conspiracy, it is fact, it’s happening now, and it has to stop.

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