scientist - the only rational alien video on youtube - yes they could be real


Neo triestowarnyou


Published on Dec 18, 2015

This video is chuckfull of secrets, Paris shootings were planned, Paris is a wordgame like Jesus, both come from Satan/ aliens, but the essence is that we are up for extinction and you have to do something to not be killed. - Aliens could be real but different from what we thought. With a few they control us through the Hasidic rabbis and the Zionist Jews. - They worte our history, everything is scripted. - Now is the end time, it's not 'holy'', it's a plan. - They wrote all the religions, all fake but the Bible is the only one that gives us a chance. - Jesus is also not real, there is a secret hidden in his name. - The made up figure of Jesus is still our saviour but only if you follow his example, NOT if you worship him.

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