Jeff Gates — Israel's Premeditated 1967 Land Grab as Pre-Staging for Post-9/11


Ryan Dawson


Published on Jun 25, 2013

How did America's special relationship with Israel begin? Like a battered spouse returning for more abuse, why does America continue its partnership with a country that routinely spies on them, steals from them, extracts wealth from them, even attacks them, and in return gives them nothing but more demands? What does America get out of this lopsided relationship and why does America sacrifice its own interest on the world stage to bow to an openly racist apartheid state with polities of state sponsored ethnic cleansing? Author, lawyer, economic advisor, and researcher Jeff Gates joins the show today to cover the 'special relationship' from the LBJ administration to the present Obama regime.

This is the first 15 minutes of an hour long interview. You don't want to miss this. The rest will be up later on Boiling Frogs Post under Geopolitics with Ryan Dawson on Monday.

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