The Maxwell’s ,. Bulgaria’s Secret Dynasty 🦑🇧🇬🍩


jaleel appleseed


Published on Apr 22, 2020

A revisit of the Maxwell family,.
Seems like I might have some new leads,.
Thanks to the Swinnster,. @

He was explaining to me that,. Gordon Thomas was in a way covering,. For the us intelligence apparatus,. //As of more recently,. Zev Shelev interviewed Ari Ben Menashe,. And he admitted he was with Rafi Eitan ,. At the ,. Doj ,. And the #Promis was handed over to them ,. In their capacity as Israeli intelligence,. Not as prof. Orr,. That was a cover for the cover,. Story 🙃,. It could also be possible ari Ben menashe,. Told a different story every time,. But Jon assured me he has other sources ,. To corroborate this,. // and a big part ,. Of this whole song and dance with Maxwell was to loot Russia,. And hide the money,.

Till Maxwell got broke spending all his money on expensive fish eggs and whorës,. & smoked salmon,. And champagne 🍾 🥂 ,. Yachts 🛥 and sheeit,. And got cold 🥶 feet 🦶 and threatened to snitch,...Richie Robert Rich who shits gold briCks 🧱,. And floats like whale 🐳 vomit 🤮,. And that is why ghislaine wanted to fix the ocean blue,. And why her sister,. Solved 911 with #Chiliad software which’s sounds really really really familiar,. To,. Meh 😑 I forget 🙃🤷🏼‍♂️
These crimes ,. Above 🙄😧just like ix-xi ,. Need to be revisited,. From time to time,. For the scope ,. Of this ,. & It’s vastness,. Is so great and encompassing,. We will ,. Probably ever get the full picture,...nor to the bottom,. Of the shit barrel
But try shall we,... will 👽

So thus far ,. And thru-out this here mini-series I might offer conflicting narratives,. And accounts ,. It is up to you the viewer ,. To decipher with discernment,. What ever it is ,. That gets you to sleep 😴 at night,. I try to be open to new information,. And be accountable when ,. I am wrong,. I am not an expert,. I am interested,. In these subjects ,. And I believe discussing such subjects will ,. Hopefully maybe empower people,. To do something,. Anything,.It is like what king Bibi’s daddy said ,. “Conversation fertilizes thought 💭 “ or something shit 💩
Please stay tuned ,.

Consider,. If you have the means supporting,. The site,.

If you straight oUta lOw Cash 💵 like me,. Spread the info,. On Al Green’s Internet,. Or in real life,. To real ,. People

I’ll drop links below if asked
Beats by OG Post one. Inner City,. Rest in Peace,..
Beats by eKore doggies
And a beat in there by Jeremy Roth Kushel
With I believe azam ali vocals not sure I forget,....
Over laying,...😇🥰🥳🤩

None of the information here was taken from the infallible Whitney Webb or the Homeless American Dude 🤠👻

Oh yeah ,. Why my home page says “no RecEnt aCtiviTy”
I am mad active dAwg 👻🐶🐺🐕🐩🐩🦮🐕‍🦺🦥🐿

YouTube back on the bullshit 😡🍅🌶

Update July 2nd ,. This cunt #ghislainemaxwell just got indicted,. The idiots will think it is tRump and Barr’s bidding,. / little do they know/ the am surprised,. Tho I figured she was untouchable,.