NZ needs a new political movement with leaders who have a bit of bottle. Well we're starting one.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Apr 14, 2021

FONNZA. Carl Bromley and myself have had a guts of these new movements of the right who are essentially, on most issues in agreement. But for some unbeknown reason they don't communicate nor get together as a combined unit to take on this Marxist govt, NZs fake news media, UN directives, and directives from globalist, socialism for thee but not for me, multi billionairs.
I'm on board with Carl.
Come and join us if you're sick to death of dear leader and her "Let's be nice let's be kind" BS, and these pathetic lying journalists, compromised and controlled opposition like ACT and the National party, and sadly, the rudderless sinking ship of the New conservatives.
Carl explains FONNZA below.

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