The #2 Diamond - Svenpai




Published on Aug 2, 2019

Oh Darlin’, where’ve those diamonds been?
Were they worse coming out or going in?
You won’t eat pork but you’ll eat this?

They need a spit-shine,
They’ll be all right,
The sparkle will never be the same

I’ve heard of bloodstone, but just what is this?
They look just like the real thing, but they smell like shit.
You couldn’t make is up in a movie script.

They need a spit-shine,
They’ll be all right,
The sparkle will never be the same
The real value’s in the story anyway!

It coulda been worse,
It coulda been a coin-purse.

Hey, baby! You’re not all torn up inside!
Heya! Sharp pointy rocks, I guess they’ll have to slide!

They need a spit-shine,
They’ll be all right,
The sparkle will never be the same
The real value’s in the story anyway!

Hey, baby! You don’t seem too torn up inside!

Oh Darlin’, where’ve those diamonds been?
Were they worse coming out or going in?
You won’t eat pork but you’ll eat this?
On BitChute: