Greater Israel - from Napoleon to World Wars


Hamza - Slay Your Dragon


Published on Aug 25, 2016

Christopher Jon Bjerknes with Scott Makufka (aka Victor Thorn), Wing TV, August 10, 2006.

War is one of their goals (see for example the Report from Iron Mountain) as it brings big money, and it gives the opportunity to slaughter opponents. That's the reason why the Rothschilds finance and control ALL sides. One of their main weapons is Crypto-Jewish infiltration. Listen for example to Jim Condit Jr's videos on
Vatican II and the Jewish Popes Paul VI, John Paul II and Pope Francis. The
result of Jacob Frank's (Shabbetai Tzvi's "reincarnation") order to his
followers to convert to Catholicism in order to infiltrate. The Jesuit Order
from Loyola was an earlier attempt to infiltrate. It was founded by Loyola's Los
Alumbrados (The Illuminati), in which 80% were Marranos, Crypto-Jews.

If you've followed the 70 years of research by Ezra Pound, Eustace Mullins and
Antony Sutton, you'll understand that Rothschild would never hand over their
wealthy Russia, full of oil, gas, diamonds, uranium, platina, gold, etc, etc,
after all the trouble they and their cousin Jacob Schiff went through before
they finally conquered it in 1917, not accidentally 4 years after they could
found their Federal Reserve, after which they immediately started WW1, and the Armenian Genocide.

Putin's mother Maria Shelomova was a Crypto-Jewess. Putin once a week meets Chabad-Lubavitch's Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, who is also Putin's personal rabbi. Israel offered Putin dual citizenship, according to an interview with Roman Abramovich, Putin's Jewish right hand in London, in an interview with Russian newspaper Kommersant in 2005. Putin's Gazprom made a billion dollar deal with the state of Israel, to help steal the gas that belongs to the Palestinians. The imprisoned Jewish Yukos Oil Tycoon Mikhail Khodorkhovski was permitted to hand over his shares to Jacob Rothschild... :-) And the so-called opponent Petro Poroshenko is more often in Moscow with other Jewish oligarchs, than in Kiev.

If Putin really was the good guy ignorant people believe, the war in Syria would
have been over within a week.
I've uploaded several videos with proof of Putin being a Crypto-Jewish Rothschild pawn, hoping that these might debrainwash the pro-Putin propaganda that's going on these days, thanks to "Russia Today TV", Brother Nathanael Kapner, Webster Tarpley, Texe Marrs, Jeff Rense, Jay Weidner, etc.

People must grow up and realize that the Zionist bankers control all important
politicians, just like during WW2. Eustace Mullins warned us: "All wars are
carefully staged World Order productions". Contrived and orchestrated. All
ideologies are Rothschild creations. They want you to believe in one, so that
you can fight believers in one of their other ideologies, instead of fighting