CENSORED - Jared Taylor - RH91


Radio Hussar


Published on Apr 20, 2019

'In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act''

People in authority have repeatedly slandered Jared Taylor by labeling his as a fascist, a racist, and a white supremacist. These lies have resulted in Jared being banned on the following platforms: FB, Twitter, Paypal, Amazon, MailChimp,eBay. Jared has even been banned from entering many European countries. We are still in the dark as to why Jared was banned from the Schengen zone? The lies pedalled about Jared have also prevented folks from honestly discussing the coming dispossession of Europeans in America and Europe.

Are we allowed to ponder the works of our ancestors, consider the lives of the living and the yet unborn? If we can't discuss, debate, argue and listen to each other then what alternatives exist?

Excuse the poor lighting and background chatter.

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