Crypto Jews and Sodomites in the Catholic Church


cherie bruggeman


Published on Apr 6, 2017

Another part from Eric Hufschmid's interview with Jim Condit Jr. in September 2006. 48 minutes here: On how .

Jim Condit Jr with Eric Hufschmid in September 2006, on how the Rothschilds took over the Roman Catholic Church between 1958 and 1965, after they already .

with Edward Hendrie, Texe Marrs, Robert A. Maryks, Jack Blood, Eustace Mullins, Pastor John S. Torell, Daryl Bradford Smith, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Eric .

Part from Eric Hufschmid's interview with Jim Condit Jr. in September 2006. 48 minutes here: On how the .

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