Robert Stanley Discusses Enki's Luciferian Agenda 1/2 - James Bartley




Published on Oct 23, 2017

James Bartley's Youtube C Link:

Robert M. Stanley
Formerly a corporate journalist for HONDA Research & Development, Robert is currently employed as a corporate editor for an international social compliance service.

He is the author of two ground-breaking books:
Close Encounters on Capitol Hill
Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C.

He is the web master of

He has served as a correspondent for:
America's Morning News
America's Radio News Network

During his passionate pursuit of modern and ancient mysteries, Robert has traveled to 58 countries to date. Robert's quest for unique ideas and information has led him to research and write about many controversial topics. His ongoing investigations have been featured on television, radio, print and the Internet.

Born in 1959, Robert is a native of Los Angeles, California. He grew up in Malibu and in 2008 moved to southern New England with his wife, son and dog. In 2015 he relocated his family to Asia. He enjoys surfing, hiking, motorcycles, tennis, photography and composing music.

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James Bartley’s abduction experiences from childhood onwards led him to thoroughly research the abduction phenomena. This resulted in his studying military history, with an emphasis on intelligence, counterintelligence, and special operations, amongst other related subjects such as corporate, intelligence, financial, and political aspects of the new world order and the globalist agenda. He also had done ample research into the realms of the occult, all of which are part and parcel of what he refers to as the Reptilian Overlordship. Though a broader term may be the Regressives’ Overlordship, as it is by no means Reptilians only that cast their dark agenda on Earth’s humanity that, for reasons that are only beginning to emerge, is of interest to just about every race of beings in the Multiverse of All There Is.

True Freedom.

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