The Religious Instinct | Learning In Public 24


Jared George


Published on Mar 6, 2021

This show was pre-recorded in an audio-only format. As is our intention for every Learning In Public episode, this presents a real time dialogue, continually evolving, as we continually respond to one another.

There was no set aim for this episode other than to give space for some of John's current religious questions and explorations.
We hope, as ever, that the discussion serves as an example of genuine communication and friendship.

Approximate Time Markers of Conversation Topics:


Introduction to John’s recent personal exploration. 

Something feeling more ancient in Eastern Orthodoxy to him.


Different approaches to art in different Christian denominations and what it communicates and engenders in the viewer.


Deeper personal motivations of why John is exploring this. Lack of the sacred in the modern world.


Going beyond the utility of merely having religion serve as glue of social order.  

The different markers a religion must hit.


Christianity's supposed relation to capitalism.

The religious instinct in parallel with the group instinct, feeling part of something.

Heritable characteristics of belief / religious fervor .


One religion for all?

Questions about polytheistic pantheons of gods. 

Perennialism— varying religions gleaning certain universal truths and serving to give structure to traditional societies. 


Christianity standing apart from this perennial approach, not having a distinction between esoteric and exoteric. 


Christianity being attacked currently. 


Forerunners and echoes of Christianity. 


Exoteric / esoteric. 

difference between initiation (hidden knowledge passed on) and the Christian “mysteries.”

Image: Beda the Preacher, Nicholas Roerich

-John's site:
johnbruceleonard (dot) com

-My site:
thegreatorder (dot) com

This show's 2021 YT Playlist:

This show's 2020 YT Playlist:

"Learning In Public" Clips Playlist:


We are living in a time of tremendous change in the world, perhaps even a transition between epochs. Using our thought and speech to the best we can on this show, we commit to navigate the questions and challenges of such times.

We take a spirit and intention of harmony and holistic thinking as our guide, seeking to avoid many either/or pitfalls that too easily result in confusion, disintegration, and harm.

This does not mean rendering everything limply neutral and “moderate,” for we primarily believe in a harmony between curious openness and strong boundaries.

We lament the loss of meaning, purpose and virtue that many modern people experience, but can also critique older notions whose blind spots got us here, or examine nefarious schemes currently pushing anti-life agendas—even if these are publicly presented as “evolved,” “enlightened,” and “inevitable.”

We can enjoy the spread of ideas, mobility and resources in a more connected world while fiercely advocating for the remarkable distinctions that signify the unique peoples and cultures of earth, of course most apt to address and rehabilitate our own as men of European descent.

We believe in truth, beauty and goodness and see how irony and nihilism are wrecking peoples’ lives.

All the while we insist on a generous spirit where appropriate and keep a lightness in our hearts, for the world certainly doesn’t need any more bitterness.

Please join us if this intrigues you.

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