Extraterrestrial technology on the Moon


UAP Research


Published on Apr 12, 2013

Before you watch this video please read this message:

This project is based on a personal "theory" about a major conspiracy by the US Department of Defense, a whistle-blower who left cryptographic clues and finally complete exposure of the obfuscated object found in the Zeeman crater.

* * * This is no scientific build disclosure (yet). * * *

What I show you is the result of 14 years of collecting data, analyzing and making image enhancements. I cannot promise you that you will see the alien object. I needed a long time myself to see the strange shape so do not expect to see it immediately. Take your time and try not to think of extraterrestrial technology when you watch. You probably already have an expectation what "technology on the Moon" looks like but it is unlike anything you ever seen, so clear your mind and try to "think out of the box".

Roc Hatfield, author of 2 books "Ancient man On the Moon" and "Moon Base Cover Up?" may have a proper description:

"Our brains are not used to seeing Alien Technology so it might take a few minutes to see it. It is clearly a vast machine. I was able to make out a number of features after looking at it for a long time. It is made of thousands of inter-locking plates, like scales on an alligator. I believe this allows it to undulate like a snake or caterpillar. The machine is so long that it needs to flex in order to set flat on the lunar surface. If it was ridged it would be like a pencil on a basketball, both ends would be in the air when the middle was on the ground. By being flexible it can wrap it's huge length around the curvature of the Moon's surface.

The machine is a mining crawler that takes in moon material at the front using a giant gantry and processes it on board in a massive on board factory. I believe the machine can fly and has been to earth in the past. Could be the dragons seen by ancient Chinese people. It looks like a dragon from the side".

My conclusions are based on facts (though non-scientific build) and there are still a lot of unanswered questions for which I do not have an answer.

Also: I cannot promise you that you will see what I do, or as other people did. Either you see the alien technology or you dont.

All I am offering is the truth. Nothing more.

The full one hour interview on Las Vegas Radio is here: http://youtu.be/ciZtgW7JrKk

