Bishop Gumbleton Memorial Video


Catholics Against Militarism


Published on Apr 20, 2024

One person I always wanted to interview on CAM, but I didn't get around to it! I met Bishop Gumbleton once at the Pax Christi Conference (I believe it was the 40th anniversary conference in 2013) when he was the keynote speaker. His speech was incredible. A hallway full of tables staffed by many good people trying to promote various causes: drones, human trafficking, antiracism, immigration, environment, death penalty. Of course all of these things are important, and the people were good people, but one could hardly tell a difference between Pax Christi and the Democratic Party platform. This is something I had begun to notice about Catholic Peace and Justice movements sometime around 2010, and the conference just confirmed it, that is, until Bishop Gumbleton gave his speech. If I recall correctly, the gist of his message was: "We have to get back to WAR!" He was trying to remind the attendees about the original mission of Pax Christi, as it seemed to be getting lost among a multiplicity of "causes." He wanted people to get back to the core thing. At that time, the United States had been "at war" for a decade and nobody was even talking about it anymore; it has just become the status quo, a totally accepted state of permanent war/occupation. It was like he had read my mind. I agreed with him and it was very refreshing to hear. May this beautiful memorial video be a reminder to us that we must use well the short time God gives us on this Earth! I think Bishop Gumbleton did. May he rest in peace! -- Ellen

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