The Hunger Games------(White People...... You are on your own.)


Peter Sutherland


Published on Jan 11, 2023

If You are White and think you can depend on Your Government to help you may want to reconsider that (or at least start thinking of a Plan B option ).

Just out with some of the Kids hiking and wanted to pop in and offer this Public Service Announcement.......White People You are on Your Own if/when we have real Shortages of Basic Needs. The Globalist Western Governments have already made it very clear that they consider Migrants/Immigrants and even Illegal aliens much more of a priority that YOU/Your Family or Your people. (how many examples of this FACT need i list here ?)

We seem to be entering a New Age where Massive 3rd world Population growth and Record 3rd world Immigration into Western Nation is causing rapid resource Depletion across the world. Shortages in Basics once unheard of in the Western World now common throughout Western Nations.

At the same time Whites who have been treated as 2nd Class Citizens in Our Own Nations for DECADES are now Openly being discriminated against in everything from Employment and Housing to Education and the Legal system.We live in a time where Anti-White attacks are COMMON.

So what Happens if we get into an Environment where there are just not enough of THE BASICS to support all the Millions of Migrants being FORCED into Our Nations by Our Governments ?

Who do You think will be FORCED to Play the Hunger games ?
ts time for Us to take action now to prepare for this Possibility while we can. Rebuild Your Pantries and Skills and return to the values of Your Ancestors by rebuilding Your Faith/Families and relationships......Rebuild Your Local White Communities. (Even if things turn out great All these things will help us live much better lives).

We consider all of You Kin and Hope All of You are doing well and are having a Blessed 2023.