#122: Chrissy Teigen’s Troubling Tweets


Pardon My American


Published on Jul 16, 2020

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Episode Description:

The guys open the show diving into the Chrissy Teigen implication. Since her name was revealed on the Epstein flight logs, people have been digging into her past tweets. Some of these involved inappropriate language involving children, which spurred more investigating into her past. So far, Teigen has blocked over 1 million accounts and deleted over 60,000 tweets from Twitter. Why delete THIS MANY tweets if there’s nothing to hide?

The show then discusses the preparation for the next riot event. California has announced the release of up to 18,000 prisoners and many liberal cities are defunding their police up to 50% or more. By creating the opportunity for greater riot damage, there seems to be a plan building that everyone needs to be prepared for!

The guys end the show discussing the false data surrounding the big C little v and how this could be the beginning of the end for the CDC’s falsified data.

Show Notes:

Watch California
- 8,000 prisoners to be released by end of August: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/18-000-prisoners-to-be-released-by-end-of-august-california-department-of-corrections-says

Florida DoH Uncovers Cv Over-reporting:
- https://www.theblaze.com/news/florida-department-of-health-exposed-for-massively-over-reporting-positive-covid-cases
- https://www.news-press.com/story/news/2020/07/15/lee-health-says-florida-department-health-report-showing-100-covid-19-coronavirus-positive-rates-ina/5442020002/
- http://ww11.doh.state.fl.us/comm/_partners/covid19_report_archive/state_reports_20200316_1815.pdf

Chrissy Teigen
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8524591/Chrissy-Teigen-blocks-1-MILLION-people-Twitter-account-flooded-sick-psychopaths.html
- https://www.instagram.com/p/CCoPUB_A9T0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNV7eVy8-V4

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