Ancient Phoenician Artifacts In America | Michigan Tablets | Phoenicians Forbidden History


Matthew North


Published on Jan 27, 2017

In the late 1800’s, farmers and laymen alike were migrating to different areas of Michigan and claiming their newly acquired parcels of land. These common folk were unaware of the amazing discoveries that would soon be unearthed from the many ancient mounds that dotted the landscape. Farmers destroyed many of the mounds while preparing their lands for crops. In the meantime, other citizens were digging into the mounds out of pure curiosity. Imagine the disbelief when they began uncovering what was perceived to be ancient relics from a forgotten time. Estimates on the number of relics recovered ranges from 10,000 to 30,000. The artifacts were comprised mainly of clay, copper and slate. The majority of the relics contained strange inscriptions that were unrecognizable to those who discovered them.

The thousands of relics bearing an unrecognizable language were almost immediately declared a hoax of unprecedented proportions. Although this was, and is, the conclusion of mainstream archaeology, there were, and are others who disagree.

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