White Supremacists? MSM Hypes Fakes News About Virginia Gun Rally


Maryam Henein


Published on Jan 25, 2020

Coverage of Virginia's 2A Gun Rally brought to you by Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies & Investigative Journalist Maryam Henein. This segment was sponsored by Info Wars.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League's yearly rally at the Capitol typically draws just a few hundred gun enthusiasts. This year, 30k to 50k gathered around the Virginal Capital building.

Second Amendment groups have identified Virginia as a rallying point for the fight against what they see as a national erosion of gun rights.

According to the pre-coverage of the event, the mainstream media spread fear porn and repeatedly warned people of violence and the presence of white supremacists. They predicted a repeat of the Charlottesville violence in 2017.

The rally, however, was completely peaceful - and the energy was incredible.

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