A Plane Hit the Pentagon, baby steps for the parrots of loose change etc


Ryan Dawson


Published on Dec 21, 2010

Dear retards, go argue about it here if you like, I'm not getting into comment wars with the mob. this is where you can take it http://www.rys2sense.com/anti-neocons/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=23992

All these people with their theories. It commonsense. The plan was to blame al qaeda for hijacked airliners and crashing them into buildings the purpose of hitting that part of the pentagon was to destroy financial records. Thus the crashed a PLANE into that part of the building. The is no reason at all to pretend to crash a plane and secretly land it somewhere else and fire a missile instead.

There were parts of the plane found and bodies were identified by DNA. The building's columns all bent the same direction. This is not a difficult issue. The rammed a fucking plane into the building same as WTC 1 and 2 and then they set off bombs same as WTC 1 and 2.