Why Conservatives and Libertarians Need Race Realism


Foundational Future


Published on Jun 20, 2013

The left always seeks keep the discussion locked inside the confines of what they've pre-determined to be politically correct. This is their friendly confines, their field of play, where they have the advantage.

If you are an advocate of liberty and you oppose positive government discrimination on the basis of race in the form of Affirmative Action...if you oppose federal and state efforts to mandate equal educational outcomes by race, then you need to understand IQ heritability. Black adults possess average IQs that are 15-18 points below the white average in the United States, where IQ is approximately 75% heritable. This explains why the achievement gaps have been so persistent and consistent for more than 100 years, why they aren't narrowing despite herculean efforts by social planners, and most importantly, why they can't be eliminated through social interventions.

If you don't ground arguments against government racial-outcome redistribution programs in the science that shows racial differences are natural, then all you can do is engage in a debate about which social remedies to pursue, which is a debate that takes place on the left's home field.
