One hour of Brazilian nationalist music


Nacionalistas do Brasil


Published on Dec 5, 2020

0:00 Glórias ao Brasil (Glories to Brazil)
2:42 Avante! (Forward! - Anthem of the Brazilian Integralist Action)
5:18 Canção do Sigma (Song of Sigma)
9:47 Hino do Partido Constitucionalista (Anthem of the Constitutionalist Party - Paulista Patriotic song)
12:59 Ode a Revolução (Ode to the Revolution - Anthem of the 1930 Revolution)
15:46 Paris-Belfort (Paris-Belfort - March of the 1932 War)
19:11 Hino da Independência (Hymn of Independence - Anthem of the Brazilian Empire)
22:57 Hino da Legião Revolucionária (Anthem of the Revolutionary Legion)
26:14 Fibra de Herói (Hero Fiber)
28:21 Sentinela do Brasil (Sentinel of Brazil)
31:25 Vitória, Vitória (Victory, Victory)
34:07 De pé, Brasil! (Stand up, Brazil!)
36:58 Cisne Branco (White Swan - Anthem of the Brazilian Navy)
39:24 Avante Camaradas! (Forward Comrades!)
44:43 Dragões do Ar (Air Dragons - Anthem of the Brazilian Parachute Brigade)
47:48 Arma de Heróis (Weapon of Heroes - Cavalry Song)
50:14 Canção da Tropa Blindada (Armored Troop Song) [Brazilian version of "Panzerlied"]
53:03 Sabemos Lutar (We Know How to Fight)
56:12 Redenção (Redemption)
59:41 Que Bom eu ser Brasileiro (I'm Glad to be Brazilian)
1:02:21 Eu Te Amo Meu Brasil (I Love You, My Brazil)